Papers Project > Image Galleries > The Arctic Gallery Galleries Ted Stevens Foundation Images Birthday Celebrations Gallery Campaign Gallery Can You Identify? Education Get Out and Play! Historical Events Inside The Archives Mapping Alaska New Senator Ted Stevens Gallery Installation (Dec. 2012) Photo of the Month Senator Ted Stevens Gallery (2011) Senator Stevens and VIPs Sports and Sports Figures Ted Stevens Day 2012 The Arctic US Senate Historical Office Collection Women and Civic Involvement The Arctic Arctic and Antarctic sea ice (1992). NASA published a book comparing polar ice differences year to year during 1978 – 1987. This book is part of the Senator’s collection. US Arctic Research Commission report, fy 1990. Members of this Commission included Dr. Juan Roederer, Oliver Leavitt and Elmer E. Rasmuson. US Arctic Research Commission Annual report, fy 2002. Senator Stevens cosponsored a bill in 1984 creating the US Arctic Research Commission. He knew the importance of Arctic research to Alaska, and much Arctic Research Commission material is contained in the Stevens Papers. From the South Pole (1998). AEWC Plaque for Stevens. The Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission awarded Senator Stevens a plaque acknowledging his service to the AEWC through legislation. (1988 or 1989).