Senator at the South Pole (undated). The Senator was very interested in Arctic and Antarctic science.
In Cordova (1970). Talking to a fisherman.”
Dogmushers at Inauguration (1981). Stevens, Mrs. Nayokpuk, Herbie Nayokpuk, Joe Redington Sr., Mrs. Redington, Congressman Don Young at the Presidential Inauguration. Note the Flying Tigers banner.
Pennsylvania Coal Mine (1969). Senator Stevens and Interior Secretary Wally Hickel visit a PA coal mine.
Usibelli Coal Mine event (1980). A new dragline for Usibelli Coal Mine.
Jo Anne Wold (1982). L-R: Staffer Wayne Schley, Lee Schroer, author & former Stevens staffer Jo Anne Wold, Stevens in DC.
Petersburg resident Karen Hofstad. (1985). Karen Hofstad and son eat lunch with Senator Stevens. Hofstad was active in Petersburg campaign events.
Kim Fields, Stevens and Dean Butler. (1983). TV stars Kim Fields and Dean Butler participate in March of Dimes’ Walk America.
Dog mushers at Presidential Inauguration (1981). Dog mushers were invited to participate in President Reagan’s 1981 Inauguration parade. Included are Dick Mackey, Joe Redington Sr., Colonel Norman Vaughn and Mr. & Mrs. Herbie Nayokpuk.
Marvin “Muktuk“ Marston, of the Alaska Territorial Guard (1971).
Senator Daniel Inouye (2007). Senator Daniel Inouye (1924-2012) was considered a brother by the late Senator Ted Stevens. Senator Inouye began his Congressional service in the House of Representatives upon Hawaii’s statehood, then ran successfully for the US Senate in 1962. He served on various committees over the years including the Appropriations Committee and the Indian Affairs Committee. He was a champion for his own state and for Alaska.
Hulk comic cover (1975). Stevens was known for his use of his Hulk tie and gloves while working hard to get Alaskans their fair share of the federal pie. We found this comic in his political collection. Used with permission of Marvel Entertainment LLC.
Gates of the Arctic National Park (1987). Senator Stevens and North Slope Borough constituents visit Gates of the Arctic National Park.
Al Adams and Senator Stevens (2000). At Stevens’ Alaskan of the Century celebration.
Tanana Chiefs Conference & AFN representatives (1975). Back row: Jack, Hoffman, Schaeffer, Nick, Kazanak, Moore, Clark, Rounds, Tickner, Demienfieff, Stevens.
Front row: Matthew, Kenton, McGarvey, Kowalczewski. In Washington DC.
Mobile office at Bridal Veil Falls (1978). Near Valdez AK.
Paul Tiulana, wife Clara (1984). National Endowment for the Arts Fellow 1984, artist Paul Tiulana, and wife with Senator Stevens.
Catherine and Ted in St. Mary’s, Alaska (1981). Visiting the bush area. (L-R: unidentified child, M. Paukan, Mrs. Stevens, Senator, T. Mike, unidentified child.)
Ann Stevens and Whalers (1978). Likely in Barrow, AK; preparing the umiak for the hunt.