We are pleased to share with you the Ted Stevens Foundation’s first oral history project, “ANCSA and the Agents of Change.” Utilizing the Senator’s papers, photographs, and other historical documents, the Foundation assembled a distinguished group of Alaskans who were instrumental in the passage of the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Their efforts 45 years ago transformed our state, and their stories will inspire future generations of Alaskan leaders to tackle the challenges we currently face. Thank you to the Alaska Native Heritage Center for providing the venue for this discussion, to GCI and Denali Media for producing this video, and to all of our participants, who were the agents of change: Jake Adams, Cynthia Ahwinona, Nelson Angapak, Roy Ewan, Willie Hensley, Al Ketzler Sr., Sam Kito, Jr., Oliver Leavitt, Lt. Gov. Byron Mallot, Marie Nash, Emil Notti, John Shively, and moderator Kristina Woolston. “ANCSA and the Agents of Change” will air statewide on GCI Channel 907 beginning December 18, 2016.